Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Little Background

Mommy & Daddy
Age:: 25
Birthday:: June 16th
Birth Place:: Fort Smith, Arkansas
Height:: 5' 8.5"
Father Name:: Daryn
Age:: 35
Birthday:: June 5th
Birth Place:: Fort Smith, AR
Height:: 5" 8"

Is this your first pregnancy?:
How did you find out you were pregnant?: 4 Days Late, Heartburn, things were tasting funny
What kind of pregnancy test did you take?: First Response
How many?: 2
What were your first symptoms?: tired, sore breasts, heartburn
Who did you tell first?: My husband
Who was with you when you found out?: My husband
Was baby planned?: Yes.
When was baby conceived?: August 11th(ish), 2011
How far were you when you found out?: 4 weeks

The Baby:
Due date:: May 3, 2012
Do you want to know the sex?: Yes
Do you know the sex?: Not yet
If so, boy or girl?: Girl, but we will be happy with either
Any names?: Kylen Troy for a boy, Kynleigh Sheree for a girl
Any ultrasounds?: 1 last Thursday
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Not yet, hopefully we will next Tuesday
Who do you think baby will look like?: Hopefully a little of each of us
Will baby have any siblings?: Maybe?!? If I forget about how terrible my morning sickness was
Have you and dad felt baby move?: Not yet!

Did you have morning sickness?: I have had all day sickness, I felt absolutely TERRIBLE! I've felt great the last 2 days though, hopefully it'll stay that way!
Did you have any cravings?: None
Did you have any mood swings?: YUP! My poor hubby :(
Are you a high risk pregnancy?: No, praise the Lord
Any complications?: No
Formula or breastfeeding?: Breastfeeding if I can.
Have you bought anything for baby yet?: No, but Mimi sure has
When did you start to show?:  About 10-11 weeks
How long could you wear your regular clothes?: I still am
Are you excited?: Of course
Who will help with baby after their born?: My husband, mother, in-laws, sister
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?: How doting my husband is
What is the worst thing about being pregnant?: being hungry ALL OF THE TIME, I am so sick of eating
What's one thing you miss doing since being pregnant?: drinking mt. dew & big red 
Any days you wish you weren't pregnant?: no
Are you ready for baby?: materially... NO, we have nothing yet. mentally... YES, can't wait
How many kids do you want?: 2-3
Do you talk to your baby?: daddy does
Do you still feel attractive?: No, I feel extra chubby
Have you had your baby shower yet?: No.
Do you like kids?: most kids most of the time
How far along are you now?: 13 wks

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