Saturday, February 4, 2012

27 Weeks

13 more weeks to go, YIKES...... its scary, exciting, but I am feeling more and more prepared every week. The baby room is almost complete, we just like finishing trim in the closet and putting the door back on its hinges and it'll be ready to go. We still need to get the stroller/car seat cover ordered and hopefully (not to sound selfish) we will get everything else we need from our showers, then I will feel "prepared"! We will be having 2 showers, one on March 3, for close friends, family and clients and then a church-wide one on March 11, were both so excited!!! 

I was changing one of my friends babies the other night and the whole time my sister was laughing at me telling me how much I had to learn, apparently I wiped her the wrong way and then I couldn't get her pants on because the legs were all turned inside. I will be the first to admit this is all new to me and is going to be a learning process for my husband and myself, I never said I was a pro.

We get to see our little angel on Monday... I  will be having another ultrasound to see if the placenta previa has moved or not. I cant wait to see how much shes grown in the last 10 weeks and pray to God that "she" is still a she, or this momma is gonna cry after all of the money spent on her!

27 Weeks, only 13 more to go
26 Weeks

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Miss Kynleighs Room

26 weeks

So I have been slacking terribly at keeping this updated, we've just been extremely busy and I haven't really had time to concentrate on it. But now its updated and hopefully I can keep it that way. 

On another note... I start going to the Doctor every 2 weeks now. I also go back on the 6th for an Ultrasound to check on the Placenta Previa to see if it has moved or not.  I have been feeling and seeing lots of movement and its absolutely amazing!!

How far along? 25 weeks, 6 days 
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 10 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Mostly just pants
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping great. I was having bad leg cramps but that has been remedied thanks to a bar of soap in my sheets.
Best moment this week:   Getting Miss Kynleighs room finished. We have worked tirelessly on it and are so glad to be done with it
Missing Anything? Nope
Movement: Lots!!!! You can actually see her moving, its incredible
Food cravings: Lots of sweets, especially Blue Bunny Triple Chocolate Cake Ice Cream
Are you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: Of course
Gender prediction: ITS A GIRL!!!!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Baby showers and getting everything we need so we will feel more prepared
25 weeks
24 weeks
23 weeks
22 weeks

21 weeks